Reforming Master Programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova


“Reforming Master Programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova” (REFINE) is a three-year Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education project which is co-funded by the European Union. It is co-ordinated by the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna (UAS-BFI) and will be implemented by a consortium of ten higher education institutions (HEIs) from 2017 to 2020. The REFINE project aims to promote the quality and practice-relevance of six existing Master (MA) programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova through targeted reforms. The subject of Finance was chosen, as it is a crucial factor for economic development and skilled graduates in this field are coveted by the business community and the public sector alike.

The wider objective of the project is to enhance the quality and relevance of six existing Master (MA) programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova through targeted reforms. The subject of Finance was chosen, as it is a crucial factor for economic development and skilled graduates in this field are coveted by the business community and the public sector alike. At the same time studies evidence a need for reforms with regard to contents, teaching methodologies and the labour market relevance of study programmes.

Gepubliceerd door  CAREM 10 mei 2021

Project Info

Startdatum 01 nov 2017
Einddatum 31 okt 2020