Kenniscentrum faculteit Digitale Media & Creatieve Industrie
18 Resultaten
De projecten waar het lectoraat Civic Interaction Design in heeft deelgenomen of penvoerder van was, ziet u hieronder.
Verantwoorde Businessmodellen
1 feb 2022 - 31 jul 2023Binnen het project ‘Verantwoorde Businessmodellen’ willen wij de condities voor digitale publieke ruimten onderzoeken. We doen onderzoek naar een ‘blauwdruk’ waarin de fundamentele aspecten ...
Designing with the sun
1 jan 2022 - 31 dec 2023Solar power requires us to renegotiate our personal relationship with energy. For such long time we have been separated from the material and technological infrastructures that provide us with electricity, enabling ...
Futuring HealthCare
1 feb 2021 - 1 feb 2022With the Futuring HealthCare project, the HvA, the City of Amsterdam and Zilveren Kruis explored the possibilities and threats of using digital platforms to contribute to a better healthcare landscape.
VR for Diversity
1 okt 2020 - 31 dec 2022The “VR for Diversity” project will explore the use of interaction in virtual reality by focusing on the implementation of interactive elements in VR and how these elements may influence the impact the ...
1 sep 2020 - 1 mrt 2023Op het gras in parken verschenen cirkels, straten en stoepen werden afgezet voor 1,5 meter afstand. In steden overal ter wereld werden en worden maatregelen genomen om mensen voldoende afstand van elkaar te laten ...
Connecting Cinemas
1 jan 2020 - 31 dec 2021The Research Group of Civic Interaction Design is part of the international consortium, composed by cinemas, creative hubs, and research groups, for a new project: CONNECTING CINEMAS.
Media Architecture Biennale 20 (MAB20)
1 jan 2020 - 31 dec 2021The Media Architecture Biennale is the world’s premier event on media architecture, urban interaction design, and urban informatics.
4D City Making: Interactive City Models
1 jan 2020 - 31 dec 2021Arcam (Architecture Center) is currently working on a new vision for the new policy period 2021-2024. One of the components of this program is the development of an interactive city model that can be used to become a ...
Government as Platform
1 jan 2019 - 31 dec 2020How can we design transparent and personalized governmental services for a digital age?
Didactics Driven Development
1 jan 2019 - 31 dec 2021Didactics-Driven Development: Towards a Methodology and Toolset for the Systematic Validation of Applied Games is an applied research project addresses the problem of validation of Applied Games, in particular ...
Prototyping Tool for Card Game Design
1 jan 2019 - 31 dec 2021This applied research proposal involves the development of a Digital Prototyping Tool for Card Game Design. The tool will support the creation of a wide variety of card games, ranging from variations on existing card ...
Trust in Play
1 jan 2018 - 31 dec 2020TRUST IN PLAY: European School for Urban Game Designers (TiP) brengt kunstenaars, game-ontwerpers, speelse auteurs, academici, gemeentelijke besluitvormers en burgers samen in een coöperatief proces van het ...
Circulate: Design thinking for the Circular Economy
1 jan 2018 - 31 dec 2020Circulate is a research project that explores how digital systems based on blockchain technologies can be used to foster participation in circular economies, in neighborhoods.
Smart Technologies, Empowered Citizens (STEC)
1 jan 2017 - 31 dec 2021STEC is a 4-year research project which investigates the design process and strategies used in the development and appropriation of so called ‘smart technologies’ for citizen empowerment.
The Hackable City
1 apr 2015 - 30 jun 2016In het onderzoeksproject The Hackable City werken onderzoekers van de HvA, de UvA en de UU samen met het architectenbureau One Architecture om de rol van digitale media te bestuderen in de ontwikkeling van ...
Interactive Cinema
1 jan 2014 - 31 dec 2016Binnen het project Interactive Cinema worden diverse deelprojecten uitgevoerd, waarbij de onderliggende onderzoeksvraag luidt: waar liggen de grenzen tussen cinema en videogames?
Persuasive Gaming in Context
1 dec 2013 - 1 dec 2017Games worden steeds vaker gebruikt voor doeleinden buiten hun primaire kracht als medium voor entertainment. Het interactieve karakter biedt spelers verschillende mogelijkheden om complexe (sociale) problemen te ...
Games for Health Europe Conference
1 nov 2013 - 1 nov 2015Op deze jaarlijks conferentie worden medische professionals, researchers en game developers bij elkaar gebracht. Vanuit het lectoraat Games & Play wordt meegewerkt aan de wetenschappelijke invulling ervan, zoals ...