Kenniscentrum Techniek
dr. B. Kokshoorn (Bas)
Lector Dynamiek van Forensische SporenBas Kokshoorn onderzoekt de interpretatie van forensisch bewijs, en dan specifiek de vraag wat sporen kunnen vertellen over de handelingen die mensen hebben uitgevoerd. Dit doet hij in nationale en internationale onderzoeksprojecten, waarbij de vraag uit de forensische praktijk altijd voorop staat.
Bas is in 2008 gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit Leiden en sinds die tijd werkzaam bij het Nederlands Forensisch Instituut als deskundige op het gebied van humane biologische sporen en DNA en als principal scientist. Sinds 2021 is hij als bijzonder lector verbonden aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Een overzicht van zijn wetenschappelijke publicaties is te vinden op:
Accounting for site-to-site DNA transfer on a packaged exhibit in an evaluation given activity level propositions
Taylor, D., Volgin, L., & Kokshoorn, B. (2024). Accounting for site-to-site DNA transfer on a packaged exhibit in an evaluation given activity level propositions. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 73, 1-19. Article 103122.
Prevalence of male DNA on female worn undergarments. How small datasets may support robust opinions in activity level evaluative reporting
Roersma, R., Storm, J., Joling, J., & Kokshoorn, B. (2024). Prevalence of male DNA on female worn undergarments. How small datasets may support robust opinions in activity level evaluative reporting. Forensic Science International, 361, Article 112097.
Forensic DNA Interpretation and Human Factors: Improving Practice Through a Systems Approach
The Expert Working Group on Human Factors in Forensic DNA Interpretation (2024). Forensic DNA Interpretation and Human Factors: Improving Practice Through a Systems Approach: Report of the Expert Working Group on Human Factors in Forensic DNA Interpretation. National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Omgevingsbemonsteringen: de verborgen troeven van scenariogericht forensisch onderzoek
de Koeijer, J., Limborgh, J., Aarts, B., & Kokshoorn, B. (2024). Omgevingsbemonsteringen: de verborgen troeven van scenariogericht forensisch onderzoek. Expertise en Recht, 2024(2), 59-66. Article 12.
A practical treatment of sensitivity analyses in activity level evaluations
Taylor, D., Kokshoorn, B., & Champod, C. (2024). A practical treatment of sensitivity analyses in activity level evaluations. Forensic Science International, 355, Article 111944.
Determination of relevant sampling locations for burglary investigations
Goedhart, Y., Draxel, K., Jullens, I., de Ronde, A., de Poot, C., & Kokshoorn, B. (2024). Determination of relevant sampling locations for burglary investigations. Poster session presented at 9th annual CLHC symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Knowledge driven decision making
Russel, P., de Poot, C., Kokshoorn, B., Valkenburg, T., Ypma, R., & van Kleffens, T. (2024). Knowledge driven decision making: from crime scene to courtroom. Poster session presented at 9th annual CLHC symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Loss and re-location of biological traces from garments: testing two garment cleaning protocols
Gléonec, O., Taylor, D., & Kokshoorn, B. (2024). Loss and re-location of biological traces from garments: testing two garment cleaning protocols. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56(sup 1), S43-S45.
No trace to waste
Goedhart, Y., Jullens, I., de Ronde, A., Kokshoorn, B., & de Poot, C. (2023). No trace to waste: improving trace selection at the crime scene. Poster session presented at 23rd Triennial Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences, Sydney, Australia.
Rapid DNA Analysis at the Crime Scene - a Field Experiment
de Roo, R., Mapes, A., van Cooten, M., van Hooff, B., Kneppers, S., Kokshoorn, B., Valkenburg, T., & de Poot, C. (2023). Rapid DNA Analysis at the Crime Scene - a Field Experiment. Poster session presented at 10th CLHC (=Co van Ledden Hulsebosch Center: Netherlands Center for Forensic Science and Medicine) Forensic Symposium: The Dutch Forensic Research Agenda, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Bloodstain pattern analysis & Bayes: A case report
Meijrink, L., van der Scheer, M., & Kokshoorn, B. (2023). Bloodstain pattern analysis & Bayes: A case report. Science & Justice, 63(4), 551-561.
Introducing a Rapid DNA Analysis Procedure for Crime Scene Samples Outside of the Laboratory—A Field Experiment
de Roo, R., Mapes, A., van Cooten, M., van Hooff, B., Kneppers, S., Kokshoorn, B., Valkenburg, T., & de Poot, C. (2023). Introducing a Rapid DNA Analysis Procedure for Crime Scene Samples Outside of the Laboratory—A Field Experiment. Sensors, 23(8), Article 4153.
Reporting on forensic biology findings given activity level issues in the Netherlands
Kokshoorn, B., & Luijsterburg, M. (2023). Reporting on forensic biology findings given activity level issues in the Netherlands. Forensic Science International, 343, 1-10. Article 111545.
Comparison of genotyping and weight of evidence results when applying different genotyping strategies on samples from a DNA transfer experiment
Duijs, F. E., Meijers, E., Kokshoorn, B., & Sijen, T. (2023). Comparison of genotyping and weight of evidence results when applying different genotyping strategies on samples from a DNA transfer experiment. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 137(1), 47-56.
Forensic DNA trace evidence interpretation
Taylor, D., & Kokshoorn, B. (2023). Forensic DNA trace evidence interpretation: activity level propositions and likelihood ratios. CRC Press.
Forensisch onderzoek op activiteitniveau in de praktijk
de Koeijer, J., Aarts, B., & Kokshoorn, B. (2023). Forensisch onderzoek op activiteitniveau in de praktijk. Expertise en Recht, 2023(2), 39-55.
Loss and relocation of DNA and fingermarks during packaging and transport of forensic exhibits
Draxel, K., de Ronde, A., Jullens, I., Kokshoorn, B., & de Poot, C. (2023). Loss and relocation of DNA and fingermarks during packaging and transport of forensic exhibits. Abstract from 23rd Triennial Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences, Sydney, Australia.
Loss and relocation of DNA and fingermarks during packaging and transport of forensic exhibits
Draxel, K., Jullens, I., de Ronde, A., Kokshoorn, B., & de Poot, C. (2023). Loss and relocation of DNA and fingermarks during packaging and transport of forensic exhibits.
No trace to waste
Draxel, K., Jullens, I., de Ronde, A., Kokshoorn, B., & de Poot, C. (2023). No trace to waste: loss and relocation of traces during packaging and transport of forensic exhibits. Poster session presented at 8th CLHC Forensic Symposium, Amsterdam , Netherlands.
No trace to waste
Goedhart, Y., Jullens, I., de Ronde, A., Kokshoorn, B., & de Poot, C. (2023). No trace to waste: improving the selection of the most relevant traces at the crime scene. Poster session presented at 8th CLHC Forensic Symposium, Amsterdam , Netherlands.
Stille getuigen?
Kokshoorn, B. (2022). Stille getuigen? Over de dynamiek van forensische sporen. Academische Uitgeverij Eburon,.
DNA Transfer in Forensic Science: Recent Progress towards Meeting Challenges
van Oorschot, R. A. H., Meakin, G. E., Kokshoorn, B., Goray, M., & Szkuta, B. (2021). DNA Transfer in Forensic Science: Recent Progress towards Meeting Challenges. Genes, 12(11), Article 1766.
The importance of considering common sources of unknown DNA when evaluating findings given activity level propositions
Taylor, D., Volgin, L., Kokshoorn, B., & Champod, C. (2021). The importance of considering common sources of unknown DNA when evaluating findings given activity level propositions. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 53, 1-10. Article 102518.
Prevalence of DNA of regular occupants in vehicles
De Wolff, T. R., Aarts, L. H. J., van den Berge, M., Boyko, T., van Oorschot, R. A. H., Zuidberg, M., & Kokshoorn, B. (2021). Prevalence of DNA of regular occupants in vehicles. Forensic Science International, 320, 1-10. Article 110713.