Kenniscentrum Techniek
ir. S.M. Erwin (Stephanie) MLA
Onderzoeker Klimaatbestendige StadStephanie is a climate adaptation researcher within the Climate Resilient City Reserach Group within the Centre of Expertise City Net Zero at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. She is currently working on three research projects -- Cool Towns, Effectief groen voor klimaatadaptatie in de stad, and Nederland Wijktypologie (Klimaateffectatlas) v2.0.
Cool Towns aims to counteract the negative effects of climate change and find attractive solutions that make cities climate resilient. Within Cool Towns, Stephanie mostly works on advanced vulnerability mapping to identify vulnerable locations and routes for possible heat stress mitigation. Within Effectief groen voor klimaatadaptatie in de stad, she investigates, through ENVI-met modelling, which green interventions, at the street level, are the most effective at mitigating heat stress. And lastly within the Nederland Wijktypologie (Klimaateffectatlas) v2.0, Stephanie is working to improve the national neighborhood typology dataset which has the potential to be used in many national climate adaptation projects. Previously, she was the project manager for the CoolKit, a heat-resilient toolkit for designers of the public realm.
Before joining AUAS and WiodS, Stephanie worked for 9 years in professional practice as a landscape architect and urban planner/design in the Netherlands and United States. She is passionate about climate adaptation in public spaces and making cities more sustainable.
Stephanie holds a Master’s in Landscape Architecture from the University of Minnesota, College of Design and a Bachelor’s of Science from Iowa State University, College of Design, in Community and Regional Planning. During her studies, she focused on resilient public space design, sustainable cities, bottom-up urbanism, social justice, and public engagement.
Effectief Klimaatgroen
Kleerekoper, L., Erwin, S. M., Kluck, J., Hiemstra, J., van der Poel, J., Zhang , X., Jalalifahim , M., & Xu , X. (2024). Effectief Klimaatgroen.
Handreiking hitte in bestaande woningen 3.0
Kluck, J., de Groot, M., van der Strate, E., Snellen, B., Solcerova, A., Schoonderbeek, J., Erwin, S., Thoen, H., Tavenier, M., Nieuweboer, L., Jannink, B., & Zwakhals, L. (2023). Handreiking hitte in bestaande woningen 3.0. Nationaal Kennis- en innovatieprogramma Water en Klimaat.
Computer leert wijktypen bepalen voor heel Nederland
Kluck, J., Kleerekoper, L. A., Erwin, S., Corpel, L., Bons, P., Arif, Z., Geisler, L., Veenbos, K., & Koekoek, A. (2023). Computer leert wijktypen bepalen voor heel Nederland: een studie naar het inzetten van kunstmatige intelligentie voor het bepalen van wijktypen . Climate Adaptation Services.
Gezonde koele buitenruimte in dichtbevolkte wijken
Kramer, M., Ooms, M., Kerklingh, A., Erwin, S., Kleerekoper, L., Kluck, J., & Schoonderbeek, J. (2023). Gezonde koele buitenruimte in dichtbevolkte wijken: rapportage van het onderzoek naar richtlijnen voor een koelteplek. Platform31.
Review of the Nexus Framework on Neighborhood Resilience
Erwin, S., & Kluck, J. (2023). Review of the Nexus Framework on Neighborhood Resilience: Bridging human and other-than-human perspectives in urban design, from a Dutch urban climate adaptation perspective. In B. Boon, M. de Waal, & F. Suurenbroek (Eds.), Public Spaces and Urban Resilience: State of affairs in Dutch cities and exploring human and non-human perspectives (1.0 ed.). Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
A multi-level Thermal Comfort Assessment (TCA) to identify and mitigate heat stress risks in urban areas
Spanjar, G., Kluck, J., Erwin, S., Schramkó, S., Föllmi, D., & Bartlett, D. (2022). A multi-level Thermal Comfort Assessment (TCA) to identify and mitigate heat stress risks in urban areas. 800-801. Abstract from AESOP Annual Congress, Tartu, Estonia.
Distance to cool spots, a practical design guideline for heat resilient urban areas
Kluck, J., Kleerekoper, L., Solcerova, A., Erwin, S., Klok, L., de Groot, M., & Koekoek, A. (2022). Distance to cool spots, a practical design guideline for heat resilient urban areas. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria.
Hittebestendig ontwerpen
Kleerekoper, L., & Erwin, S. (2021). Hittebestendig ontwerpen. Web publication or website, Rooilijn.