Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality

Development of pilots

Based on the data obtained in the inventory and exchange of best practices phase, successful interventions to match demand and supply have been further developed.

The first pilot is the Finnish PAPAI project in which a personal physical activity instructor guides children and young people with a disability towards sports participation. More information about this pilot can be found in the presentation about the PAPAI pilot. The explained and written pilot description is shown in the PAPAI handbook which can be downloaded below.

The Netherlands have developed the PAPAI light pilot, an adjusted edition of the original PAPAI project in which, as part of their general education, students from the Universities of Applied Sciences are involved as personal activity instructors. Main differences from the pilot in Finland are less participants and use of motivational interviewing techniques by students. More information about this pilot can be found in the presentation about the PAPAI light pilot. Same light versions were executed in Portugal and Lithuania. The PAPAI light handbook (Dutch version) can be found below.

In the United Kingdom a third project pilot was developed: Focus on Me. The aim of this pilot was to increase the understanding of the needs of young people with special education needs and disability (SEND) in terms of the supply and demand of sport in their local areas. This was done by utilising a visual aid/technology enhanced inclusive focus group approach to collect information that will ensure that we are attaining the definite views, wishes and feelings of young people with SEND. Youth Sport Trust has developed a pilot cross-cultural easy-use guidance so that conducting inclusive and accessible focus groups enables young people with a wide range of SEND (including intellectual disabilities and communication needs) to meaningfully participate and contribute to this body of research. The pilot was tested with young people with SEND during early 2017, a full pilot description can be downloaded below.

Below you can find the overall results of these pilots.

Gepubliceerd door  Kenniscentrum Bewegen, Sport en Voeding 16 februari 2018