Lector Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken
Tel: 0621156714s.j.h.majoor@hva.nl
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The research group Coordination of Urban Issues combines concrete, relevant knowledge of a particular urban issue with academic knowledge of effective coordination.
How can varying insights from theory and practice be joined up to arrive at the best possible approach to urban issues?
As a dynamic metropolis, Amsterdam has a stack of urban issues at district and neighbourhood level. Decentralisation and hands-off government are promoting a fragmented approach. Urban problems are best solved by bundling and coordinating knowledge and expertise.
Research within this research group takes place within different geographically defined areas, each with its own concrete research and innovation agenda. Each project is focused around the question whether coordination of knowledge and experience can contribute to specific solutions for concrete urban issues at district and neighbourhood level.
The results of this research are then translated into general academic and applicable knowledge, contribute to strengthening coordination within urban practice and provide upcoming professionals with tools for working within an urban environment.