Centre for Economic Transformation | CET

The Amsterdam Doughnut Coalition: some critical reflections

27 mrt 2023 17:48 | Centre for Economic Transformation

How does Doughnut Economics play out on the ground? Last summer, Sophia Manolis, a Bachelor student from Stanford University, came to Amsterdam, to take stock of how Doughnut thinking is applied in the city.

Manolis interviewed members of the Amsterdam Doughnut Coalition, policymakers, citizens and academics, and made some interesting observations.

She praises Amsterdam’s adoption of Doughnut Economics. It works as a powerful tool to critically rethink the urban economy, to connect and empower a range of urban initiatives that share similar visions for social and ecological thriving. The Doughnut Coalition, as a highly diverse network of Doughnut enthusiasts, plays an important role in bringing people together around the concept. But there is still much to be learned as well.