
Roy van Poppelen as a Team leader Liaison Officers @ NL EASP AIR


In 2023, Roy graduated from the Aviation Operations track. Roy works as a Team leader Liaison Officers at NL EASP AIR. He will tell us something about his experiences after graduation and his outlook on the future.

Follow your dreams, be open to new adventures.

Roy van Poppelen - Graduated in 2023 from the Operations track, specialized in Aviation Logistics.

When did you graduate and which track did you graduate in/did you do?

In 2023 I graduated from the Aviation Operations track.

How did you end up in your current job?

I started at NL EASP AIR in January 2023, as part of my graduation internship. During this internship I was able to start working part-time as Liaison / Tactical Officer. Now one year further I am the team leader of the Liaison Officers for NL EASP AIR.

What are your daily operations?

NL EASP AIR is a Dutch airline that is specialized in maritime surveillance, coast guard and ISR- Operations. Currently the fleet consists of three Dornier 328 aircraft, which are being deployed on various locations in Europe.

As Liaison Officer at NL EASP AIR you work at the headquarters of the client for which we operate flights. Currently, we operate flights for Frontex, so my office is in Warsaw, Poland. The job is comparable to working at the OCC of an airline, which means lots of communication with stakeholders and the coordination of our mission flights. As a Liaison Officer, you are the important connection between the mission crew onboard of the surveillance aircraft and the customer. Additionally, you provide all kinds of information to the surveillance aircraft, related to the operation of the flight or mission intelligence. In the end, it’s all teamwork.

What do you like most at your job?

I really like the fact that it’s an operational job: Every day is different and could be full of surprises. One day you have a quiet shift, and another day you have a search and rescue mission. Furthermore, I like the fact that all operations are taking place abroad, which is great for building up experience. Every time I’m standing at the airport for a new deployment, I have a big smile on my face.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 2024, I will start a modular flight training course, besides working for NL EASP AIR. In 5 years, I hope to sit on the right seat in the cockpit.

What did you like most in your education that helps you out nowadays in your work?

I encourage every student to go on an Erasmus exchange program during their studies. In year three, during my minor, I went on an exchange to Estonia. This experience caused something like an inner fire for me, I realized that I wanted to work abroad, which luckily, I’m doing now.

Are you still connected to the Aviation Academy?

Yes, I think I’m member of the Alumnus community on Linkedin.

Have you been a member of the SVAAA?

I have been a member of the SVAAA for the first two years of the study.